Keeping your Costs Down

First Saving:– You can get away with only ONE Belt Pack, saving the extra cost of making two (like I did)

There is definitely not enough time, between Young Elsa's last exit and Elsa's first entrance, for them to share one pair of 'Hands' …. so your Kit makes two pairs of hands. However, there is plenty of time to swap over and test the Belt Pack, so your Kit has only one Switch for one Belt-Pack

Second Saving:– Your Props. Techie probably already has most of the materials ( I certainly did ) and what they don’t yet have can be readily obtained, locally or on-line, at a much lower price than I would have to charge. So I'm only offering you the Hard-to-Locate Items:–

  • The High Output LEDs, which you will not find anywhere else in this 'ready-to-use' format

  • The cheap but 'very-hard-to-find' thin flexible wire, pre-cut to the lengths you need

  • The cheap but 'not-available-individually' miniature switch

  • Together with a comprehensive List of Tools, Supplies and Suppliers for everything else you need

Third Saving:– All the components in the Hands and the Belt-Pack are re-useable. So even if you had to buy everything new for this Production, they are an investment that will give you many more Remote Special Effects and Lighting options for later Productions

Fourth Saving:– I am only shipping by “Xpress” and “Tracked Pkt.” Mail. Because using Priority Mail adds 30% to 100% to your cost, and Courier Services are 3 or 4 times more than that

• Due to “COVID” neither the Postal Service nor the Couriers are prepared to stand by their “Guaranteed Delivery”, and I expect that excuse will be around for a long time to come

• So, if you are thinking of mounting a production of Frozen you would do well to order ALL of your supplies right away

• If you have a Sponsor who is offering to cover the shipping cost with their FedEx or UPS Account, send me the Account Number and I will use that for your Kit

I am not offering a 'Complete Kit of all the parts you need', nor am I offering them 'Fully Assembled: Plug-and-Play’ because either would be far too expensive for me to handle …. and for you to purchase. In any case, the Props Technician looking after maintenance of the Hands really needs to be the same Techie who built them, to make any repairs quick and easy