Privacy Policy

• I do not retain any personal information other than your name, mailing address and email.    These I have to keep for seven years to satisfy Tax and Customs Legislation.    To be sure your information is protected from cyber-attack, after your Show opens I transfer all your records to paper files ….. so nothing is stored electronically

• I don’t even see your Payment Details, let alone save them anywhere. That is all handled by

• If you send in a Review I will put it on the WebSite with whatever information, contacts, video links, etc. that you choose to make public. If you include a YouTube link I will add it to my Videos Menu. Reviews are submitted via eMail, so there is no automatic electronic subversion along the way

• I do not share information with anyone

• I do not use Cookies or Tracking on my WebSite

• My WebSite is supported by, and who all have there own Privacy Policies over which I have no control

• My Instruction Video is supported by who have there own Privacy Policies over which I have no control